Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Your Head In A Spin Is Good

Apparently having your head in a spin like it was for me yesterday morning is good and that means I am thinking and I am learning. My mentor Diana told me today that she was proud of me and that I was doing so well. How nice is that and what a great confidence booster. I know I am doing a thousand or more times better than last year but I still have my doubts sometimes especially when my head is in a spin about what to teach, how to teach it, when to teach it, etc etc etc, but when Diana said that, I was reassured that all is ok and that it's normal and ok for me to think like this. Today was a good day with the kids, I felt confident and that matters and for that I am grateful. Oh by the way our school photos came back today and I look pretty good in them if I should say so myself, it's probably the best school photos I have had in a while so I just had to show you all.

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