Thursday, 10 May 2012

Don't avoid the storm - learn to dance in the rain

This morning I couldn't get to sleep after the cat brought in a mouse and so I decided to go on the Internet to research about post hysterectomy symptoms as I have been having a few lately,and I found some really good posts from women who have been experiencing similar things to me. I found them to be helpful and glad because now I know I'm not going crazy as I am not the only one feeling this way. One in particular quoted "Don't avoid the storm - learn to dance in the rain", which made me ask myself do I want to be miserable forever? And my answer to that is no, after all it is our attitude towards things that makes all the difference. So today I am going to be more positive about everything and stop dwelling on the past or things I can't change and think about the things I can. No point in being miserable, I just need to learn how to deal with the situation and make it work for me. I will be positive about my job and excell in the things I do there and I will put in more effort and do it with enthusiasm, I will also get really excited about our house which is starting to be built next week, I will be nice to my family, I will make more time to do the things I want to do if I want to do them, and I will be extra nice to myself and love myself even if I have gained a few kilos in the last year and a half, I am still beautiful and gorgeous as Dave calls me and I am talented. So there, I will not let the storm get me down, I will learn to deal with it and be happy in the process, no matter what! Wish me luck as I may need a little, after all I am only human, just a little more positive! Steph


  1. Take it easy, Steph. You've been through a lot recently - a hysterectomy would be enough for any one to handle, let alone the death of your father. Wishing you peace and light,

