Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Mail Delivery Of The Pleasant Kind

We received a letter today from our sponsored World Vision child, Tendai. It was an annual progress report about her education, health and about her. It was great to receive it. Usually we take a while to write back but today I decided to do it straight away. I made up a page of different photos of our family and printed it out and then wrote her a letter. I find it hard to write to her because I feel like I shouldn't say too much about our lives even though World Vision encourage it, I feel guilty that our lives are so much more easier than hers and how we take for granted our everyday things. I did however tell her about our new house that we are building because I am just so excited about that, and I want to tell the whole world. I hope that Tendai gets my letter and that she really enjoys looking at the photos of us all, and I hope that maybe one day we can visit her or better still, she becomes so successful that she comes to visit us. How cool would that be. Zoe said she was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to understand Tendai's language. Amazing what Zoe gets worried about. I'm more concerned about how we are going to fund this visit in order for there to be any reason to worry about the language barrier! Today I am grateful for the mail delivery, because every once in a while we get some nice things in the mail instead of those dreaded bills. Steph

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