Wednesday, 6 June 2012

All Because Of The Floods

It was only the other day that I posted the photos of the Tambo River, and today have a look at's is slightly higher than it was yesterday, if you look close you can see that it has completely covered the road and is half way up the street sign........this is my usual way to work, so obviously I wouldn't have been able to get through this way. I didn't get to go to work today as my boss told me to stay home due to the flooding and closure of the bridge at Bairnsdale. So, I stayed home and finished my report writing. I know I shouldn't be grateful at all for floods and I really am not, but due to them today I got to stay home and finish my reports and now my long weekend is free to spend time with my family. I just hope that others out there are not suffering too much because of the floods, and that it doesn't get any worse than this.
The river is beyond the sign, this water is over the road

This is the intersection I use to get home, it is under water

This is the road, the river is on the left on the other side of the trees.

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