Monday, 16 July 2012

Dad Content In Dream And Overall A Good Day

Day 50 and they are starting to put the weather-boards on our house and it's looking good.

Today was the first day back from school holidays, I woke up thinking about school this morning for the first time in two weeks, that must have meant it was time to get back into work mode. I was a little anxious this morning as I had two new students starting in my class and to me that means I have a little extra work load and assessments to find out where the kids are at. It will take me some time but I suppose I will get there. The day turned out positive and good over all. Zoe had a great time at school with her new teacher, and she also went to her drama/performing club called 'MYTH' (Metung Youth Theatre) tonight which started today, and she loved it. Alex said his day was boring at school, but that is nothing new for him as he dislikes school. Dave had an okay day I suppose except for his headache and feeling mediocre (he may be getting a cold), he even went to bed early for a change. Over all we all had a good day, so I am grateful for that. I also dreamt about my dad last night, it was a weird dream where dad was lying in a sort of bed covered up to his neck with blankets, and in my dream I knew that he had passed away but his face was twitching as if he was just fast asleep and dreaming about something. In the dream I was thinking to myself that he looked happy and at peace and was obviously dreaming about something nice because he looked comfortable and relaxed. So even though I was sad to think about my dad, I was still grateful that the dream showed him content in a weird sort of way.


  1. Replies
    1. I know it looks fantastic, I'm loving it! Can't wait to move in.
