Saturday, 8 June 2013


Tomorrow is my late brother in law's anniversary, it will be 12 years since Mark died from cancer. He was diagnosed with liver cancer and had chemotherapy treatment, the cancer spread and he died six months later. My sister Isabella of course was devastated and at the time we were all very sad as Mark was a beautiful person and to this day we miss him dearly. At that particular time I was going through a happy new phase where I was in a new relationship and even though I still grieved for Mark, I had other things distracting me from it all and soon learnt to deal with the situation. I was always there for my sister when she needed me and did what I could, but I think at the time and I've only just realised this, I don't think I actually realised how bad she was feeling, and even if I did,  I don't think I would have been able to deal with it any differently. Now that mum is sick, my sister has had to take her for appointments, scans, blood tests etc and communicate with the doctors about her condition. It is now that I realise how difficult and stressful it must have been for Isabella to have to do that so many years ago, especially for her husband whom she loved dearly and whom she thought was going to grow old with her. I am grateful for my sister Isabella for doing this all again, for our mother this time. I don't think I could have done it any better or dealt with it quite as well as she does. So my beautiful sister Isabella, I love you and thank you!

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