It is amazing how we rely on certain things and take them for granted, like electricity. Today when I got home from work, the house was in darkness, Dave's and Alex's cars were in the driveway so I figured they were home but wondered why they hadn't turned any lights on. When I got inside I was informed that we have had a power cut and therefore in darkness. It is only at these times you think to yourself why is it that we do not have any torches or decent candles in the house in case of a power cut? Go figure! Anyway the power was out for quite some time and we wondered how we were going to cook and eat dinner and decided that for the time being we would have a snack of a piece of pizza each that was left over from yesterday's dinner, we heated it on a tray inside our wood heater, we figured it would be similar to a wood fired pizza oven only the heat was much more intense and burnt the bottom and crust of our pizzas. By the time it was Alex's turn to heat his, the power had come back on. Thank goodness, now we can cook real food (which was chicken curry and prawn and tofu curry) and I can work on one of my student's report...........great! It was sort of exciting and a little adventurous when the power was out.....thinking of ways to do things without power. Oh well, maybe next time we will get to do the things we had planned to do in the dark and hopefully we will be a little more prepared!
Dave was being a pain and taking my photo when I didn't want to. |
Prawn and Tofu Curry |
Let there be light via electricity. |
Power we take for granted. |
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