I've just in this last ten minutes figured out that my husband Dave is the only one that I can truly trust to tell how I am feeling without criticism, feedback or anything else, just to be able to vent to him in regards to work and anything else that is bothering me. Tonight I vented to him of course and he said to me 'don't you start getting stressed about it' which made me quite upset. His statement is why I have come to realise that he is the only one that I trusted ...and I expected from him no criticism, no feedback, no answers to all of my problems, just to listen......that is all I expected. When he did answer that way I got upset because the last person I would have expected that from was him. I did express to him how I felt and he understood, so I don't think that next time I vent he will be too fast in telling me not to stress...............as I am not after an answer from him, I just want someone to listen, and I'm not necessarily stressing about it.
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