Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Things I want in life

I want to blog twice today, this time not so much about what I'm grateful for but to jot down and be more accountable for the things I would like to do with my life...... big time......and not immediately, but over a long term plan, preferably before I am too old, grey and maybe senile to do them. Well here they are:

#Write a cookbook

#Start a food business .... maybe from home such as cooking products to sell at markets, shops or cafes, or teaching adults or kids to cook, or catering? Not sure but something to do with food and cooking it, and not necessarily to open a cafe or restaurant but I'm open to it with some help.

#Create more art works, to display around home and maybe in a gallery, to relax and express myself through my art, and for monetary purposes.

#Be a successful confident teacher who knows exactly what she is doing and why and enjoy the process along the way without stressing too much, this one preferably a short term goal as I am a teacher and I really do prefer to know exactly what I am doing and why (I analyze everything and I catastrophize).

#Write more about anything, learn to write better blogs or write for a column, how awesome would that be. I have a lot to say about a lot of things, I can express my opinions more freely through text.

#Pay off our mortgage quickly so I can enjoy life more freely, to do things I would like to do when I want to do them and of course to travel the world...or parts of.

#Do a business course so that when I do start my business I will know what I am doing and how to stay in business and make lots of money.

#Obviously spend quality time with my family and good friends, preferably with less TV, more outings, walks, entertaining, travel etc

There is probably more to this list but I can't think of them at the moment. So by writing these down I hope to be accountably for the choices I make in the future and be grateful and hopefully profitable from them.


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