Last night my mobile phone went flat and then turned off, so I left it to charge but it froze and stayed frozen. When I woke up I realised that it wasn't going to work as it was still frozen. Zoe woke up feeling sick and it was decided that I was to stay home from work with her and take her to the doctors, well then I realised that I couldn't ring work because the numbers were in my phone which I couldn't get to unfreeze, so I was left wondering how I was going to contact my work to let them know I wasn't going in. I decided to look on the Internet White Pages and I found the phone numbers I needed (technology at work once again, lucky). Dave took it to a repairer to see if they can fix it but they said they weren't sure if they could, and if they did couldn't guarantee that I wouldn't lose all my data and photos etc. What the? I will not be able to replace those photos, it will take me forever to find out all the contact phone numbers, that's if I can remember which ones were on there. How we rely so much on technology without backup and then when it stuffs up we are doomed, well for a little while anyway. I would normally get really frustrated about this situation, mostly for the loss of photos but also for the inconvenience of having to ask people for their phone numbers and keying them all in (tedious) but I am not at all frustrated, not even a bit! Well just a little bit!
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