Today has been another challenging day at work, where I catastrophized about everything I thought of in relation to work. When I do this it leaves my mind in a total state of confusion, the more I think about it the more I am confused. You are probably saying to me right now "well, stop thinking about it and get on with it" How true but yet how hard that is for me to do! It does help my mind however when I speak to trustworthy others such as my mentor and my dear hubby Dave. They seem to put me straight even if it is just for a little while, well almost anyway, they remind me of how as Diana puts it "I am thinking too far into things" and how Dave puts it "There you go catastrophizing again" I admit it, I do that, I just can't help it, I worry about everything and think of the worst case scenario. So even though it is bad and it doesn't feel all that great when you are having a challenging time in your life or mind as in my case, I am grateful for life's challenges as they are helping me grow and become who I truly am.
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