Friday, 11 May 2012

Moving Out To Camping Out

So it's Friday night and I'm feeling good about work and not worrying so much about other stuff as since my Thursday morning post I have had really good days. In saying this our lives are not without complications and there has been one major glitch in my positive outlook and I would like to share it with you.

Yesterday when I got home from work, Dave asked me how my day went as I had told him about the new positive me, and I replied that it was a really good day, he then said "I'm just about to ruin it" and I said or growled "Oh what.........crap what now?" The house we are renting is for sale and he explained that someone has put in an offer for it and the old guy that owns it phoned Dave to let him know that he has accepted the offer, he was saying that the settlement will be 50 days. Dave told him that we still have our rental contract which doesn't run out until September. To make a long story short, the house is sold (but not signed up on contract as yet) and if and I'm assuming they can't kick us out before the contract runs out that we need to move out before the 1st September, we have no where to live except the camper and caravan on our block. I am not renting another house for just a couple of months until our house is finished only to move yet again, I would rather either put our furniture and stuff in storage or Dave build a shed really fast and store it all there and live in the camper and caravan. There is a bathroom, electricity, water and sewerage there which is a good, right? My concerns about living there are as follows:
-small space for too many humans, we could end up killing each other or at the least divorced
-no room for large fridge means we have to use very small fridge, which means less food storage and more trips to supermarket, which could lead to divorce
-very small pantry (I mean small as in mini), also meaning more trips to supermarket or sleep beside cans of baked beans and packets of noodles
-no room for clothes, meaning we will look scruffy for two months at the minimum
-no laundry, so where am I to do clothes washing, Oh sorry, I meant where is Dave to do the clothes washing?
-minimal space for cooking and eating, which definitely could lead to divorce
-no entertaining as there won't be any spare seats and not enough space in fridge or pantry for cheese, biscuits and wine
-no lounge room as such
-no internet, which might not be that bad, but can't check emails which is bad as Dave's business relies on it for jobs
-no landline for phone, which means we have to use our mobile phones for calls and blogging which takes longer
-we turn into gypsies or hippies and have to wear floral skirts, baggy pants and headbands
-we will be looked down upon by rich and famous Metung dwellers, especially those who only come up weekends and holidays from their Toorak mansions in their BMW or Mercedes Benz cars to stay in their lakeside holiday mansions (with water views of course). Heaven forbid that there are gypsies living in Metung and camping of all things

On the other hand there may be some positives about this whole situation, it's going to be hard to think of any but I'll give it a go:
Ummmm, Hmmmmm, well........Ummmmmmm.......okay here goes
-no rent
-we will be able to keep an eye on the building of our house
-no vacuuming
-quality family time.......I hope
-our eyes will be rested......from watching less TV and computers, although they could get worse from looking at small screen on mobile phone
-less food in fridge and pantry means less food in mouth which means less weight around waistline
-less entertaining means less alcohol consumption which means less weight around waistline
-more time to do the garden and outdoor there isn't enough space inside
-free showers.....when it rains
-no mould or damp in bathroom as there are plenty of gaps in the boards to allow ventilation
-we finally sort all our crap and only move what we really want and need and sell the rest in a garage sale where we could make a fair amount of money....anywhere up to $2.75.

So there that's where we are at, not sure what exactly to be grateful for, perhaps the fact that there will be a toilet, shower, water, electricity, sewerage, a bed and some cooking facilities, we will need to look at it as if we are on holidays camping, just for a little longer!

Ahh Home Sweet Home

We could turn into this!

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