Sunday, 13 May 2012

My Ma

Today is Mothers Day so there are many mothers out there who are being spoilt. Unfortunately I live too far from my mother to be with her today and so I'm not spoiling her however I will be phoning her to wish her well, atleast she has my sister close so I'm sure she will be spoiling her for both of us. My mother has raised me well with respect and dignity, she has loved me always, even when I haven't been the best daughter. My mother has never expected any presents ever and when she has received them she is truly grateful, always. My mother has been through too many rough times such as having to live in an orphanage for seven years after her father's death at the age of three, the death of my sister, my brother in law, her brothers, sisters, mother and her husband, she endured cancer four times and went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and she managed to come through them all. Amazing! Thinking back on this I would have to say she is an inspiration to me as she has had it tough but always came through! I love you Ma. Steph

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