Friday, 11 May 2012

Noises InThe Night

Okay so I'm sitting here in bed thinking to myself why is it that every night I am getting broken sleep and lying in bed awake unable to get back to sleep? Dave seems to be able to sleep through anything (except me deliberately nudging him), he sleeps through the cats bringing in some dead or half dead animal, the dogs needing to go outside or having a disagreement with one another, any noises in the night and even when Zoe decides she prefers our bed and hops in it, but not before we both need to visit the bathroom! My night starts at around 10.00 to 10.30 I fall straight to sleep, I find it really easy to do this, the excitement starts anywhere from around 1.30 in the morning when the cats decide that they would like to give Dave of all people, a nice present, which usually is a dead animal of some sort. They make this horrible meaowing sound which is quite loud and I can distinguish this particular sound as I hear it most nights. They occassionally munch on the dead animal in our bedroom of all places and I get to hear the crunching sound quite well. I really don't think they realize that I'm the one that hears them so it really should be me who they are rewarding with their gift. Then at some point in the night but not every night Zoe sneaks in to our room, sometimes going to the bathroom on her own but other times insists on my presence, which obviously means I have to get out of bed. Zoe came in this morning at 1.30, she used the bathroom on her own and then came to me on my side of the bed (always on my side even though Dave's is much much closer and easier to get to). I automatically moved over so she could hop in, once in she then decided that she wanted to go back to sleeping on the couch (she fell asleep there last night so we covered her up with her doona and left her there), a few minutes later she came back in saying that the dog was snoring too loud so she wanted to come into our bed. At 5.00 one of our dogs decided he needed to go outside, I heard him walk into our bedroom and then back out again, by the time I got out of bed he had walked down the other end and decided to urinate in the hallway, nice! I couldn't find the dam mop so I had to lay newspaper down to absorb it all, in between all this I was raising my voice to show my annoyance to the dog, he just looked at me weird and sad as I had banished him to outside! Meanwhile Dave is still snoring his head off, oh yes that's another thing Dave snores every night, really loud and in a very annoying way. Dave managed to sleep through all of that? The day has just begun, I now need to get up to shower and get ready to head off to work. Not sure if there is anything in the above to be grateful for, perhaps I could be grateful that I have the sense of hearing otherwise I would have missed out on all the excitement that happens in the night in our house that only I know about but will surely let the others in on it when they awake! Steph

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