Today I was replaced by a CRT (casual relief teacher) so I can do some assessments with the kids. Her name is Ruth and she is from England and has been here in Australia with her family for about 8 years. She was lovely and very positive and smiley which made me feel better. I wanted to ask her so many questions about how she feels living here and about her family as I felt a connection somehow. I think she is back on Thursday to work in another room so I might catch up with her and get her number off her and ask her if she wants to be my friend. I don't normally do this sort of thing and the friends I have are ones I have met through my kids (parents of their friends) and through those friends and so on. I don't normally ask people to be my friend but I am thinking what the heck, I can't lose anything by it...I will be no worse off if she says no and I will be somewhat better off if she says yes and you never know we might all just hit it off and become friends for a long time, I think Dave would appreciate some friends from his home country...someone who he can tell English jokes with and actually get them...haha. Anyway on the way home I was also thinking that in the last 2 and a bit years since we have been living here in East Gippsland I haven't made much of an effort to make friends, especially with people from work. Due to what happened in 2011 re work and my very high stress levels and almost having a nervous breakdown, I have blocked anyone out that has anything to do with work. I have seen a couple of people from work but I seem to not be able to trust any of them....even though they haven't done anything wrong. This is how I have been thinking for the last 2 years as I have been betrayed in the trust category in relation to work so I have been ultra careful and perhaps too careful not to trust anyone ever again. Well I got to thinking that if I am going to make a life here in Metung and be happy then I am going to have to get busy making friends whether they are associated with work or not and then it got me thinking of how I miss socialising, partying and entertaining at our home (due to lack of old friends near by and my decreasing self confidence) that we should have a House Warming party and invite some (a select few) people from work including Ruth and her husband and people from Metung and surrounds whom we have had contact with since we have been here, I might even send off some invitations to our old friends and see which ones make the effort to drive 4 to 5 hours to be with us. I know the house isn't finished and it would be great if it was but if we wait for it all to be finished then the house warming party theme wouldn't really suit or fit in because it may be quite some time before it is all finished. So there, I think I am going to get busy making invitations for our Home Warming Party.... Excited but nervous.
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