Monday, 6 August 2012

Stronger And More Positive

I don't know if I am just tired (as I don't think I am sad) or just plain old stressed because I am finding it really hard to be grateful for truly good and worthy things. I didn't want to go to work this morning, it was cold and I was still tired from interrupted sleep, but I got up and went and the day went ok except for some annoying things which I can't mention in this blog. After work, I went to do the grocery shopping which was not the highlight of my day, so I didn't get home till late and by the time I prepared dinner and ate it, it's late....and I am tired already. I think I am a little stressed about the next four weeks, where we have to move everything out of this house and into storage, so we can move into the camper and caravan (as this house we are renting is sold and settlement is in four weeks). I am sort of looking forward to moving out because it means that we are closer to going into our new house, but I am not looking forward to moving all the stuff every weekend for the next four weeks and moving into a cold camper with minimal space. I am a little worried about my mum, who has been having tests done for fluid on her lungs and around her heart. She is having more tests tomorrow and Wednesday and I can't be there for her. And lastly, I am worried that I won't get my certificate of citizenship in time to get a passport to go to New Zealand in seven weeks time. I suppose I have to try and look at the brighter side of things as my life could turn around negatively and go rapidly down hill like it did last year, if I let it, but I won't let it, and so I suppose that is what I should be grateful for. That I am a lot stronger and much more positive then I was last year.

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