Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Privilege Of Reading Other Blogs

Today I am grateful for the privilege of reading other blogs which allow me to find out a little about what's happening to other people in the world. Today I read Kimmie's "The Serendipity Cafe" blog where she blogged about her son who is about to leave home to live with friends, it brought tears to my eyes because I too have children whom I miss dearly even though two of them live with me. I miss them because they are getting older and I know that they will all eventually move away. It feels good to read other people's blogs especially ones I relate to because it helps me deal with my own situation a little better knowing that others are experiencing it too and that it is a normal phase of my life as a mother.


  1. Oh Steph

    Today I have taken much comfort from fellow supportive bloggers who have been there done that and cared enough to share. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog and also for posting about this here. I am so pleased that we found each other via blog land!



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