Sunday, 20 May 2012

Inspirational People

Today Zoe had a friend from school over to play and his mum invited us over for afternoon tea when we dropped him back home. She is a lovely woman, very friendly. It was a little awkward at first as we hadn't spoken to her husband before today. He soon came around, I think he may have been feeling the same, a little shy. The reason why I am telling you this is because this family lost their son when he was ten years old, I think it was a brain tumor (they have three other children). How sad and how on earth do you deal with something like that. I worry about Zoe doing the everyday things, I stressed over Alex driving to Melbourne on his own for the first time. I would be a mess, I know it for sure as when she was talking about her son I was teary, I just couldn't help it, I didn't even know her son! She is to me, a strong woman, one to be inspired by. She is (or seems to be) an amazing woman! I'm grateful for inspirational people who have lost precious, irreplaceable loved ones and have lived through it, they have conquered defeat, they deal with it each day, to live another day as positive as they possibly can. Steph

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