Sunday, 20 May 2012

As You Get Older Do You Actually Get Wiser Or Just Easier On Yourself

We started sorting out our stuff that has been packed in boxes for the last year and a half. It's funny how you forget about certain items until you come across it again and think ohhhh I forgot about this! And instead of putting it in the sell pile you decide that you will keep it? So we don't have much of a "to sell" pile yet, well we have only gone through about a third of it so maybe we might add to it. Whilst rummaging through our stuff I came across my old jeans, I'm not sure exactly why I kept them as they are worn and faded and out of date, maybe it was to reminisce about my thinner days? Who knows, as at that time I didn't think I was that thin. I've come to realize that I had spent so much time worrying about my weight back then when I didn't actually have anything to worry about. How stupid and what a waste of time! If you could see these jeans you would look at them and say "oh my God" in your head of course as you wouldn't want to offend me and have me thinking that you are thinking "jeez how on earth did you fit into those". Anyway I still can't believe that I actually did fit into those, I used to wear them after I had my two boys but before I had Zoe. My excuse.............let me must have been because I had Zoe at 36, and when you are older your metabolism slows down therefore it's harder to lose weight, and because well your body changes after having children especially the third one........that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, it also didn't help my body that 2011 was the most stressful year ever and that the stress hormone cortisol (which I'm sure went all out on me) played havoc with my body and weight. So what am I grateful for today? Hmmm I'm not really sure because after finding those jeans I should really be thinking that maybe I should actually try a lot harder to lose some weight and become more fit again, just like I used to be before I had my third child and even pre stressful 2011, but instead even though I do wish that I did lose some weight and I do intend to try harder, I'm not intending or even thinking it at all possible to be that small again, unless of course I didn't eat or drink for weeks and became anorexic and obviously that is not where I want to be. So I'm grateful for the fact that as you get older you are a little more relaxed and more at ease with your body and with the fact that your body does change and if you are not sporty or athletic you are going to gain some weight especially if you are eating just as much as you did pre 36. Well I do need to lose a few kilos to be more comfortable with my body, I don't need to be skinny, I would like to be slimmer and fitter, so that nothing much jiggles when I run (not much hope for the boobs though unless I get one of those strappy jackets you wear in padded cells, although this might restrict the running) and so I don't get that spongey cake effect which they call muffin top. So, I'll just do it.....that's it just do it, nothing much else to do about it really except to do just that...lose weight by eating a little less, drinking wine less and exercising more....maybe if my food didn't taste sooooo good and if the wine didn't go down sooooo well, and if it wasn't sooooo cold outside...........just maybe it will work. Steph

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