Thursday, 5 April 2012

Love of Cooking

I love cooking, I don't know why exactly, I just do. I love making new food, I especially like trying new food. Yesterday I made fig jam as the fig tree on our block has given us a few too many. We can't eat them as fast as they ripen. Today I tried out the 'Italian Ricotta Dumplings' that Joolz posted from 'Two Greedy Italians' episode. Thanks Joolz, they turned out quite yummy, I changed it a little as I didn't have tin tomatoes so I used tomato puree, I also added fresh oregano and parsley as well as the basil (from my herb garden of course). The dumplings were a little heavy (and very filling) but they were tasty. I also made a chicken pasta dish for the carnivores, it had fried sliced onions, garlic, mushrooms and chopped chicken. I added tomato paste, vegetable stock, water and oregano, this turned out tasty as well. After dinner, Zoe and I made some Chocolate Chip Cookies, they have Peanut M&Ms in them, a bit sweet but very morish. Zoe loves cooking as well, especially sweets, she has quite a sweet tooth, an amazing appetite and mature taste buds, she tries everything with the exception of spicy food which we we will be working on in the future. The other day I made a muesli bar which is quite nice, the only problem is that my husband Dave can't stop eating them. He thinks that he can substitute his breakfast and lunch for muesli bars and then have more after dinner and in between his meals. I did warn him about having too much sugar, and as you can see by the photo below, the effects of too much sugar and going to bed too late after watching crap on TV. Anyway at least they all like my food, otherwise I don't think I would be as motivated to cook and try new food if they didn't. 

Fig Jam

Italian Ricotta Dumplings

Chicken and Mushroom Pasta

Cutting up the butter for our Cookies

My gorgeous little chef.

Cheeky Chef

She didn't really eat it raw, although she did want to.

They were way too big, so we had to make them smaller, lucky as they spread quite a lot in the oven.

The result of too much sugar and not enough sleep.

Choc Chip Cookies with Peanut M&Ms

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