Thursday, 15 March 2012

Sydney John Zammit- 11/3/1936 - 15/3/2012

My dad Sydney John Zammit was born 11th March, 1936. He married my mother Maria-Dolores Zammit (same maiden name- no relations and didn't have to change her name) and they had three girls, Maria (who passed away at 21 in February, 1986), me Stephanie and Isabella. He loved us dearly and wanted the best for all of us. Dad has had a heart condition for about eighteen years and for the last six months has been on 24hr oxygen, he has been in and out of hospital so many times we have lost count. The last time I saw my dad he was laughing so hard as he told silly jokes to us all, he was happy. I think he was happy because his whole family where with him, three generations under one roof. Sadly today, Thursday, 15th March, 2012, my Papa as I call him, passed away, his heart could give no more. He was a strong man, tough enough to put up with heart pain and discomfort for eighteen years, tough enough to endure heartache when his daughter died at such a young age of 21, when his wife was diagnosed with Hodgkins four times, and when his youngest daughter's husband died from cancer at the age of 31, and not forgetting the passing of his parents and some of his brothers and sisters.

I am grateful for my Papa for all the wonderful family memories, for bringing us up with morals, self respect and love. Our family is very close and we are pretty tough, I think my Papa had taught us that. We love you and miss you already. Say hello to Maria for us.


  1. Oh, wow Steph, I am so sorry for your loss. Your Dad sounds a lot my dear late Dad (who passed away nearly 23 years ago from a massive heart attack) - a proud family man, loved by all.

    My deepest sympathy to you at this sad time, look after yourself,

