Saturday, 17 March 2012

Innocent and Accidentally Funny Priest

Today we had to go and see the priest that will be giving the mass for my father's funeral to arrange the details etc. Myself, Dave, my Mum, my sister, my eldest son Nick and his girlfriend went. The first thing the priest said to us was "so it was your mother who died?", I replied "no, mum is just here" oops, first mistake, then he proceeded to explain what happens, and about the readings etc, the priest is Indian, and hard to understand as he has a very strong accent. He paused at some point and we all thought he had taken a nap, my son Nick and I had to stop ourselves from laughing. When we were explaining what songs we would like, he told us that they need to be appropriate for mass, and that when he does weddings he doesn't allow romantic love songs, Huh! We are all now very confused, but still a little humoured by this unusual man. There was a point where there was a slip of the tongue as we were speaking of the funeral coordinator named Alice, and the priest kept referring to her as Alison, and Dave says "who the hell is Alice" as in the song (without the profanity). We all stared at Dave as if to say "why did you say hell, we are now talking to a priest?" Also when we were deciding who was to read the 1st reading, it was decided that Dave would. Mum thought Dave was going to sing the Responsorial Psalm aswell and the thought of it made Mum laugh but she tried to hide it which made it worse. My God, this is a funeral we are arranging and we are laughing, and so is Mum, how good is this! When we left the priest told us how busy they were and that they had four wedding that day, so Dave says "Oh, four weddings and a funeral", this went straight over the priest's head. When the priest had gone we all let out a laugh as we couldn't hold it in any longer, that guy made us laugh, not deliberately, but by pure innocence. Thanks to the innocent and accidentally funny priest, he made Mum laugh just a little.

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