Saturday, 13 July 2013

Life Is Too Bloody Short So Do Something With It

Not feeling so grateful at the moment. Not with God, not with doctors, not with old fashioned attitudes and not with life and all it's imperfections.

1: I am not happy with God as it didn't matter how much we prayed that mum didn't have cancer, it didn't work as now she has Pancreatic cancer and there is nothing anyone can do for her. I have to admit I have lost a little faith at this particular time.

2: I hate Doctors....they play God sometimes....who are they to tell you what to do and what not to do, especially when it comes down to cancer. I have been researching alternative medicine to help my mum beat this cancer and every time I ask the doctors they disregard it. I have read about how sugar feeds cancer so you should avoid it and yet the doctors tell mum she can have it and that she needs it. Yesterday's visit to a local GP sent my head spinning into uncontrollable confusion as to what is right, who is right? He was pretty straight forward in saying that mum hasn't got long so there is not much point in her taking some of the medication she has been previously prescribed. If it were up to me she wouldn't be taking any medication and living on a healthy diet instead. Funny enough none of the tablets she takes are for her cancer other than the morphine for pain.

3: Old fashioned attitudes don't sit too well with me. My mum has exactly this attitude. She disregards anything I say about any alternative medicines, healthy diets like the raw vegan diet, vegetable juices and so on. Yet if the doctor told her to eat mud I think she would eat it, because in her eyes the doctor knows what he is talking about... he is the only one with authority or so called knowledge to save your life, which unfortunately is not the case this time. My mum has listened to or I should say has heard only things she really wants to hear. I have no idea where she got some of the information from, was she actually listening to any one at any time. Those medics have misinformed by mother and has blurred her vision and thoughts, or has she done this to herself with her old fashioned way of thinking whilst listening only to what she wanted or believed to be true. If there was nothing the doctors could do for you would you try out something new just in case it worked? I would!

4: Life here on earth is far from perfect. It has many imperfections and yet some of us take these imperfections and work with them, still fulfilling our dreams and aspirations. Others accept the imperfections but don't do anything to change them or work with them.....they live day to day without  any dreams, wasting their life because eventually it will end and that is that and there is nothing they can do about it. Everyone will die at some point but there are things you need to be doing in between the time you are born to the time you will die.

5: I am a true believer in showing emotion and expressing how I feel. It is deadly to your well being if you don't. The anger, frustrations, sadness would surely build up inside you and destroy you in the long term. In my own experience I have found that expressing how I feel helps to overcome it and helps me to start again, fresh with positiveness. Some individuals don't think this way and when those individuals are close to me, it hurts me and I worry about them. I want to say to them 'just cry if that is all you can do at this time, get it out, express it, you will feel a little better even if it is for just a short while'.

Life is too short so live it up and do something with it in the best possible way you can. Do something, anything! I will be!

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