Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A smile and a laugh from Mum

It's been a while since I've slept with my Mum and last night I slept right beside her in her bed. I remember when we were little and we wanted to sleep near Mum and she would give in to us, then Dad would get kicked out of his bed and have to sleep in ours instead. My Mum is quite sick at the moment and has been for about four months now, so we have come down to see her. At this moment Mum is the frailest she has ever been and that I can ever remember her to be. She has had Hodgkins Disease four times in her life and had Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy each time but I still don't think Mum was as sick then as she seems to be now. I am worried about the outcome of today's specialist appointment for the last scan she had. We are hoping that we will get some answers as to why Mum is so sick. She has had numerous scans, blood tests etc all of which show up negative. I suppose this is a good thing but not so good when you are feeling crap and no one has any answers as to why. Mum has lost so much weight, her figure is skeletal with minimal skin and flesh just covering her frail bones. She hardly eats and she has no strength left let alone any positiveness left in her small body. I am a great believer that your mind is a powerful thing and what you think you become etc etc. and that a healthy lifestyle has a lot to do with your overall health (I am not perfect but I do try really hard) and that laughter is the best medicine. So last night we sat with mum and watched something funny on tv and I got to see her smile and laugh even if it was for just a very short time. So I am grateful for that.

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