Sunday, 9 December 2012

Managing Money

Feeling a little flat and teary today, not sure exactly why but it starts me thinking all negative and about stuff I shouldn't really be thinking about. One such thing is money! For some, money is evil and for others it's bliss. We are not poor nor are we rich, we work hard for the money we get and then we have to give most of it away to the tax man or to pay for our house and for the bills that pop up in the mail as soon as we have a little money come our way.  Some people don't work for there money and get it given to them, I don't think this is very fair unless you are really trying hard to find work and can't or you can't work because of an illness or disability. Some people make their money last by budgeting and searching for cheaper options, while others buy the best they can afford and never have to shop around. What makes me feel truly sick in the stomach is when you see money being spent or wasted on things that are tuly a waste of money, while others are struggling to make ends meet. I am grateful that although we aren't well off in money and we do have to work hard and budget, we do manage to pay our bills and every now and then we are able to buy things we really want by saving or shopping around, and that the things we do buy are truly appreciated. 


  1. This lady is living debt free and has lots of tips for saving money and living using less money. Cant say I live like this but it makes very interesting reading.

    Cheers - Joolz
