Friday, 9 November 2012


Every now and then I think about my older sister Maria, I try not to think about her all that much because when I do it is sad and makes me sad, so when I do I try to avoid it. My sister Maria died when she was just twenty one years old and I was eighteen, yet the memories of the night she died are as if she died just yesterday. I sometimes miss her and quite often wonder what our relationship would be like if she was still alive. I would assume it would be a good relationship because it was good prior to her death, but then again my relationship with my younger sister is good probably more so because after Maria had died we learnt to treasure what we have and know what we missed out on with her, so we are closer because of it. So without further a do and without getting too emotional about it all, I am grateful for my sister Maria. Although I wish I could turn back time and make you all better and help you to live for a lot longer than you did, and get to know you, see you grow up, see you get married, see you have kids and all of that, I am grateful that by your passing it has taught our family to be thoughtful, to not hold grudges, to love each other and to tell one another often about how much we mean to each other, and to cherish our family and close relationships. So Maria, I thank you, I love you and I am grateful.

Me on the left, my beautiful sister Maria on the right

The two people I miss dearly, Maria and my Pappa

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