Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Beautiful New Zealand And Reunion With Sharon

So it's day three of our New Zealand adventure and I have managed to get some Internet access. So far our New Zealand holiday has had some hiccups, one being that on arrival to Melbourne airport they wouldn't let Dave leave for New Zealand as his visa had expired. Dave has permanent residency in Australia and on an English passport but appparantly he is supposed to renew his visa every five years which he was unaware of. Go figure....how can you have permanent residence and not be allowed back into the country if you go out. Hmmmmm really confusing. Anyway we had to purchase a one way refundable ticket to England which cost $1534 to be able to go, and a visit to the Australian consulate to apply for a visa renewal which cost a horrendous $428. the same day I had a migraine and felt nauseous all day. The next day we headed up to my friend Sharon's place in Kaitaia far up Northland, Sharon lives in a beautiful surrounding of lush greenery and beside a river. When we arrived there Becca stepped out of the camper and twisted her ankle which led to a trip to the hospital and X-rays the following day to reveal a possible fracture in her ankle. We haven't had much luck however we have had fun seeing the sights as there are so many beautiful areas to see. I am grateful for the beautiful sights New Zealand has to offer and the fact that Becca hasn't hurt herself worse and for my friend Sharon whom I hadn't seen for twelve years and yet made me feel very welcome......thanks Sharon.

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