Wednesday, 1 August 2012


So I'm laying in bed thinking about everything and anything that comes to my head and figure it's probably time to get up and get ready for work, but it's 6am and its raining and it's cold, so I sit up and decide to blog. I can hear the rain, lots of it by the sounds. Without the rain what would we have? Or should I say what would'nt we have?  I don't particularly like the rain especially if I've just washed my hair and spent some time drying it. And I don't like it when it's cold and I get wet and you get that damp feeling all over. I don't like it when the ground turns to mud or when you walk inside and leave wet footprints. I don't like wet dog smells. And I don't like it when it rains way too much and causes floods. I do however like listening to the rain especially on a tin roof. I like the glisten on the leaves and trees when the sun comes out after the rain. I like the wet look of the ferns in a rainforest. I like that I don't have to water the garden because the rain has done it for me. I like that the rain fills up the tanks and reservoirs for the water we drink. So today even though I am going to get wet at some stage,  I am going to be grateful for the rain.

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