Thursday, 5 July 2012


It's Thursday already and time is flying by. Today we had to make an extremely hard decision, one which we have pondered over for quite some time but couldn't bring ourselves to do. We had to say goodbye to our gorgeous dog Scruff. Scruff had suffered a stroke a few months back and we think he had suffered a second one not long ago. He went from not too bad to worse. He couldn't walk straight, banging into things and holding himself up against furniture, walls, your leg and anything that would do the job. His head was turned sideways and in the last few days had become tired, sleeping a lot in the day and he couldn't get himself up quick enough to go to the toilet. The decision was so hard to make as he was the happiest dog I have ever known. He wagged his tail when you spoke to him or paid him attention of any kind. He was just so happy and he didn't seem in any pain, other than when he banged into things of course. We buried him on our block where we will be living soon, under a gum tree so that in Summer he can be shaded from the harsh sun and in Winter from the pouring rain. He can look up and see the leaves glisten either from the sunlight or from the rain drops. I am grateful to have owned such a happy, gorgeous and so full of life dog, who would give anything for a little attention, he loved it. Goodbye Scruff, we will miss you dearly, thank you for the eleven years of friendship, I'm sure there won't be another like you.

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