Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Quality Time Spent With My Dear Friend

Last night I was having way too much of a good time to stop and blog as I was with my very dear friend Megan. Russell, her hubby was kind enough to drive us to a favourite Thai restaurant where we sat and ate great Thai food, drank great wine and talked about just about everything. Unfortunately we don't see each other often enough and therefore when we do see each other we have far too much to talk about which leaves me a little frustrated and with an unfinished business type of feeling. I did jokingly suggest we each make a list so that we can mark off the things we have completely finished saying, it might not be such a bad idea. It's amazing how we skip from one topic to the other and it's only when we are apart that I realise I hadn't finished telling her something. Quality time is what we do have especially when we don't have kids or hubbies around, this lets us talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk...........without distractions other than ourselves. Can't wait for our next session.

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