Friday, 27 July 2012

Medical Technology

It's easy at the moment to be grateful for the progress of our house build as almost each day something else has been done, like yesterday all internal walls were covered in plaster. I suppose it doesn't really matter what I'm grateful,for as long as I'm grateful right? Today because I was sitting up in bed at 5.30am and couldn't get back to sleep, I thought I should blog and that it should be about something other than our house. Yesterday my mum went to the doctors to get some results from a scan she had and found out that the lumps she had felt in her stomach are nothing dangerous, however they found that she had fluid in her lungs and around her heart. The doctor told her that this may have something to do with her Hodgkins (which she has had four times) and the treatment she has had for it. He wasn't sure so he has referred her for an urgent review at Peter Mac Hospital. We are all now hoping that it's nothing to worry too much about and that it's something she can take medication for, and that it's not anything more serious. We will have to wait and see. So in saying all of this I have decided to be grateful for medical technology, because without it we wouldn't be able to diagnose any problems early enough to be able to fix them. And fixing my mum is what we are aiming for. Steph

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