Sunday, 22 July 2012

Ice Cream Does It Every Time

What gets an eight year old out of the house? This is not a trick question. My eight year old Zoe loves being at home, we call her our Hermit Crab as she never wants to go anywhere unless of course it means loads of fun for her, she prefers to stay in pajamas all day and just stay home. Well, this weekend Dave was off fishing and Alex was with his mate, so I planned to spend some quality time with Zoe. We were to paint a picture of a sunset or silhouettes which she actually started, she got as far as the outline, maybe today she'll go on with it. I was getting a little frustrated with her as in the morning I wanted to go and have a look at the house to see how much they had done to it, and do you think she would get dressed and just walk out the door? No, of course not, what a performance! You would think I had asked her to come with me to get her legs cut off or something! We did finally go but she sat in the car and didn't come out of it until we were back at home. Later on, I just gave up, I decided she could just do her own thing and I was going to pack some boxes (as we are moving into our camper in six weeks time). In the afternoon after she'd had enough of drawing her outline and I'd had enough of packing I asked her if she wanted to go and get an icecream and then walk over to the beach at Lakes Entrance with the dogs. Her response, (very loudly and excitedly) YES! And that ladies and gentlemen is how you get an eight year old out of the house!

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