Monday, 25 June 2012

Tweaking the Vegetable & Polenta Pie

Day 29, frame has been delivered (obviously drier day than last Friday). Just maybe by the end of the week we will see a frame happening.

Today for lunch I had a mushroom and polenta pie which Julie at work made with some of the kids that do cooking with her and it was delicious. I did ask for the recipe but haven't got it yet, however when I got home I decided to try it for myself. Of course I changed it to suit with what vegetables I had and I added my own little touches such as using tomato paste, stock and seasoning instead of her bottled pasta sauce, a can of lentils and some nice red wine which gave it a really nice grown up taste. It turned out really delicious and it will be a dish I will be adding to future menus and my future cookbook. I may even cook it as a buffet dish for a dinner party, I'm sure most people (who aren't too fussy of course) will think it is delicious. I have left overs for freezing, so I'll be right for future can't be bothered cooking nights. Yum

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