Saturday, 9 June 2012


We had to go into Lakes Entrance today so Dave could get his prescription from the Doc, we hadn't realised that due to a Hot Rod car show that was on today the market was on as well. Of course we went and had a look, didn't buy anything except some hot chips and wedges but Zoe did have a go on those large blown up balls that you get inside of and roll around in. She had a ball in it (ha ha)...although we did have to wait almost half an hour for her turn and it only lasted five minutes....5 minutes for $5. Maybe we should invest in a couple of balls and do the markets, imagine we could earn before outgoing costs.....$120 per hour just by having 2 balls. The food van was also for sale a long with a catering outdoor kitchen and a marquee.....had us thinking about new ventures for a while. So today I am going to be grateful for markets, just cause I love going to them.
Zoe had a ball.

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