Thursday, 14 June 2012

I Love You So Much

Do you know that today I had an almost perfect day, the reason why I say almost is because I had a flu shot and a Heppatitis B shot, so by the afternoon I was aching, had a slight cough and felt like I was getting a cold. However the reason I say perfect is because today was just that, I felt sooooo happy and sooooo excited, I'm not sure exactly why but I was and to top it all off, at the end of the school day, one of my students ran over to me to say goodbye and he gave me a big hug and said "I love you so much". Oh my God, how sweet, I felt a little overwhelmed, but happy and even more excited!


  1. Hey hey hey
    Rusty may have solved the problem !!!!!!!!

    Very special moment that you deserve for all the effort you have put in to your teaching!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm so glad you are visible now as a member. Excited! Can this day get any better?

  3. Children have such pure precious hearts hey!
