Wednesday, 23 May 2012

To My Audience I'm Grateful

Today started off as another one of those negative days I usually have, probably due to still being emotional from my Uncle Pius death yesterday and thinking about what is life all about and how short it really is. Luckily for me I have a great team at work who really care about how you feel, especially Diana. When I expressed my concerns about how overwhelmed I am feeling at the moment with assessments and report writing, she just puts everything into perspective and she's soooooo relaxed and makes me feel better. As she said today "things are what they are but there is no point in worrying about them" I suppose she is right, I just wish that I could be as relaxed about it all as she is. Highly unlikely at the moment. One thing that does cheer me up is when I find out that others are reading my blogs and commenting on them, I feel a little important and want to blog more. Diana, today said she read my blog, and when I got home and checked my Facebook and emails I read that my cousin Karen in England has read it and has joined as a member, and so did another blogger 'A Farmer's Wife' who commented and joined aswell. Good stuff! All the more reason to keep blogging and to not disappoint my audience. Thank you! Steph


  1. Hi Steph

    So sorry to hear the news about your Uncle.
    I love your sense of gratitude~!



  2. As you may have guessed, I love pictures in a blog. Grab a camera and show us your area where you live - I know it's stunning! Show us your part of the world and what you are grateful for.

    Comments do make blogging worthwhile, eh?
    Cheers - Joolz

  3. Hi Joolz,
    I will try and make more effort to show you Metung, it is a beautiful place, it's just that I work full time and by the time I get home I cook dinner, eat dinner and then it's nearly time for bed, and I'm exhausted. I will try harder though. I do sometimes put photos on my post, but sometimes I use the Ipad to blog and it doesn't allow me to add photos from it (not as clever as they make out it is, or maybe I haven't completely worked it out yet?). If you check out todays blog there are photos on there (but not of Metung)of my gorgeous girl.
    PS Love your photos, keep it up
