Monday, 28 May 2012


Ambition is the desire for personal achievement

The excavation started on our block today in preparation for the concrete slab to be laid. It is a little higher up than we thought it was going to be. Looks like we will need some stairs, retaining walls and multi level garden beds. It is a little exciting and frustrating and I'm not sure I would do it all over, we will have to see the finished product before we can decide for sure. To celebrate the start of our new home we decided to go out for dinner to Chinese, we went to the Lakes Entrance RSL as the usual Chinese restaurant we go to was closed today. Amongst the diners were a lot of retired old folk, if you are reading this and you are old folk please don't take offence by it. Whilst eating my dinner I started to look around at the other diners sitting at the tables and noticed there were quite a lot of older people, most probably retired. I was thinking to myself that I do not want to wait until I am that old, too old to even get up off my seat without discomfort to do things I want to do, it seems people do the things they want the opposite way around, they work their butts off when they are young whilst their families are young and need them the most, they wait until their house is paid off and the kids have left home etc etc etc, and then when they get really old and retire and no longer have to go to work, they decide to travel but sometimes they either drop dead or get ill or just become stiff that they can't travel and they can't do the things they have always wanted to do, because they have got too old. Lately I keep thinking of travelling around Australia in our camper for months at a time, home schooling Zoe and travelling around to see the sights. Zoe would learn so much from it and we would be better for it when we got back. To be able to say we'd done that. It would be a real shame if I had to wait until I was too old. I would really be pee'd off. I have the ambition to travel and see more of the world, I also have the ambition to do more than I am doing now, before I get so old, grey and immobile. I am grateful for my ambitions because one of these days I will make them happen.

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