Monday, 23 April 2012

We Are Equal

My mum arrived in Bairnsdale by train today to stay with me until Thursday. First I took her to see St Mary's church in Bairnsdale to see the great paintings inside, she was impressed. Then I took her to Lakes Entrance and we had lunch at the Ferryman's Cafe, it was nice to sit outside with a view of the lake and the fishing boats. She came with me to pick Zoe up from school and Zoe showed her the classroom and where she sits. After dinner we watched Titanic as Zoe hadn't seen it before. It was quite good but sad. I felt for the poor people and I wanted to hate the pompous rich. I understand that to make the world go round there are many types, but I believe we are all equal, we enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. What happens in between is mostly up to us and our attitude towards life and people is our choice. I am truly grateful that I am not a pompous stuck up rich person (although it would be nice to have a little extra every now and then, especially when the bills arrive in the post),and grateful that I was brought up to believe that I am a well loved beautiful human being with morals, respect and dignity, I was also brought up to believe that we are all equals, no matter how little or how much money or assets we own. Steph

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