Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Happy full of life people

Today I watched a video from a link that was sent to us via email by Dave's dad in England, it was about a young man who had no arms or legs, just a body, head and a very tiny stumpy little leg with a deformed foot. He was giving teenagers a talk at their school about motivational stuff and how not to worry, he said that he is so happy and always smiling even though he is like this and how he never wishes for arms and legs as there was no point in worrying about it as its never going to happen. He drives a boat, slides down water slides, plays golf and swims. He probably does more than what most of us do. The video made me cry, it made me realise in an instance how lucky we are and how silly we are that we worry about stupid things, especially about how we look.  I'm grateful for having arms and legs but I'm even more grateful for happy people such as the man in the video, who makes us think about enjoying life and being happy right now, no matter what! It's true to say that it's your attitude to life or events that  truly matters and determines your immediate happiness!

Check this site out, it will make you think hard about your life and most probably teary.

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