Sunday, 4 March 2012

Dream A Little

Do you ever wish yourself somewhere else in the world, maybe just for a few seconds? Well, I do quite often, not sure why, usually the place is far from where I live now and somehow in the future but no one I know that's there has aged any. Tonight while putting Zoe to bed, I told her to think of a place she wanted to be, I immediately thought of us being in a country garden outside our country cottage which is surrounded with aromatic flowers and herbs, which happened to be in the French province. And also in my thoughts was me riding my bike to the French patisserie down the country lane and into town to buy some mouth watering cream pastries or cakes, and maybe a baguette to go with some cheese for later when we open the superb wine. Doesn't hurt to dream a little!



I am imagining myself here right now.

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