Wednesday, 22 February 2012


I would like to be grateful for the colour RED today, because I feel it partly makes me who I am, I am grateful for all the colours in the world but my ultimate favourite is RED. I love the colour RED and when anyone asks me what my favourite colour is, I am 1000% certain and without doubt that my ultimate favourite is RED. I love it. Red suits my fair complexion so I have a lot of RED tops, I love chillies which are RED and I love RED wine. I have cookware and utensils that are RED, my car is RED, my favourite chocolate is Lindor which comes in RED wrappers, we have RED towels, RED candle holders, RED tea towels, RED vases, RED plates, bowls and glasses, a RED diary, RED phone cover, RED wallet, RED shoes, and lots of other RED things I can't think of at this moment in time. At our previous home I painted our living room, dining room and hallway RED. My husband was doubtful as to what the finished rooms would look like but he let me go ahead anyway (he figured we could paint over the walls if it wasn't right), when finished he admitted that it felt so warm and cosy and it did, it felt just right. And guess what colours we are painting some of the inside of our next house? RED

Here is some information about RED

RED Food: 
  • Some of the best fruit is red - watermelon, strawberries, plums, nectarines, raspberries
  • Chilli is red- YUMMY and has the added benefit of vitamin C, A, B6, beta ceratone and folic acid. They act as detoxifiers, ridding body of waste, they also contain antioxidants which reduce the risk of heart disease.  Chillies stimulates the release of endorphins that are natural pain killers.  Chillies also give relief from nasal congestion by increasing the metabolism.
  • Red fruit and vegetables are great for you such as capsicums and tomatoes which may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene in foods containing cooked tomatoes, such as spaghetti sauce, and a small amount of fat are absorbed better than lycopene from raw tomatoes. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables act as powerful antioxidants that potect cells from damage. Antioxidants are linked with keeping our hearts healthy, too.
  • Red is the first color you lose sight of at twilight
  • Red is the highest arc of the rainbow.
  • The longest wavelength of light is red.
  • Feng shui recommends painting the front door of a home red to invite prosperity to the residents.
  • Bees can't see the color red, but they can see all other bright colors. Red flowers are usually pollinated by birds, butterflies, bats, and wind, rather than bees.
  • Red is a color associated with poison, passion and seduction 
  • Red is a warm colour
  • Red carpet treatment
  • Caught red-handed
  • Red in the face
  • Seeing red
  • Red tape
  • In the red
  • Red represents beauty in many languages and cultures
  • In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions and the four seasons. Red was associated with fire, south, and summer.
  • In Japan, the color red is associated closely with Shinto and Buddhist traditions, hence the red clothing and red statues
  • In Sweden, red was reserved for the privileged class.
  • In China, red is associated with good luck and fortune.
  • In Greece, Easter eggs are dyed red 
  • In England, red phone booths and red double decker buses are national icons. Standard British pillar boxes (mail boxes) have been painted red since 1874.
  • In India, a red mark on the forehead is said to bring good luck.
  • To the Hindu, red symbolizes joy, life, energy, and creativity.
  • Islamic, Hindu, and Chinese brides traditionally wear red.
  • Red amulets (lucky charms) were worn in many cultures to prolong life.
  • In Singapore, the color red traditionally symbolizes joy.
  • Chinese New Year is celebrated by wearing red clothing and decorating the house with red. 
  • Red symbolizes Christmas.
Possible Health Benefits of RED Using Colour Therapy

RED has the longest length in the visible spectrum and the lowest rate of vibration. Possible benefits: 
  • red lenses relieve migraines
  • chronic pain - may lower the frequency of wave lengths causing them to be less excited and thereby reduce pain
  • stimulate the liver
  • stimulate the automatic nervous and circulatory systems
  • help with female disorders
  • increase heart strength and stimulate circulation 
  • reduce inflammation and swelling
  • increase blood flow to the brain
  • support the building of the blood
  • seasickness relief


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