It's Hump Day today, we're closer to the weekend ahead. Looking forward to it, need the rest, feeling tired. Need some time out.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Cooking with Gas
The house we have just moved into has a gas stove top, yeh, yippee and fantastic. I hate electric stove tops, they are so inefficient, they take so long to heat up and to cool down, you just can't control them enough, whereas gas you can turn down the dial and it's instant, the heat turns down, perfect!
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Sunday Roast
We don't have a traditional meal which we eat on Sundays, probably because I don't eat roast meat. Today we went to friends for lunch after shifting furniture and stuff, and we were starving as we hadn't stopped. Gudrun cooked a roast lunch, which included various roasted vegies and steamed vegies which were delicious. We truly were grateful, maybe I should start being more traditional on Sundays?
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Strong Men
Strong man power is what you need when shifting house, otherwise it is way too hard and takes way too long, lucky I have two strong muscular men in the house to help with moving. Thanks to Alex and Dave, you worked really hard today and last night in the scorching heat. Just a bit more to go tomorrow, hopefully not quite as hot.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Kitchen Cupboards
Oops, deleted this post by accident with the ipad. Have no idea what I wrote but I do know that I was apparently grateful for kitchen cupboards.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
I would like to be grateful for the colour RED today, because I feel it partly makes me who I am, I am grateful for all the colours in the world but my ultimate favourite is RED. I love the colour RED and when anyone asks me what my favourite colour is, I am 1000% certain and without doubt that my ultimate favourite is RED. I love it. Red suits my fair complexion so I have a lot of RED tops, I love chillies which are RED and I love RED wine. I have cookware and utensils that are RED, my car is RED, my favourite chocolate is Lindor which comes in RED wrappers, we have RED towels, RED candle holders, RED tea towels, RED vases, RED plates, bowls and glasses, a RED diary, RED phone cover, RED wallet, RED shoes, and lots of other RED things I can't think of at this moment in time. At our previous home I painted our living room, dining room and hallway RED. My husband was doubtful as to what the finished rooms would look like but he let me go ahead anyway (he figured we could paint over the walls if it wasn't right), when finished he admitted that it felt so warm and cosy and it did, it felt just right. And guess what colours we are painting some of the inside of our next house? RED
Here is some information about RED
RED Food:
RED has the longest length in the visible spectrum and the lowest rate of vibration. Possible benefits:
Here is some information about RED
RED Food:
- Some of the best fruit is red - watermelon, strawberries, plums, nectarines, raspberries
- Chilli is red- YUMMY and has the added benefit of vitamin C, A, B6, beta ceratone and folic acid. They act as detoxifiers, ridding body of waste, they also contain antioxidants which reduce the risk of heart disease. Chillies stimulates the release of endorphins that are natural pain killers. Chillies also give relief from nasal congestion by increasing the metabolism.
- Red fruit and vegetables are great for you such as capsicums and tomatoes which may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene in foods containing cooked tomatoes, such as spaghetti sauce, and a small amount of fat are absorbed better than lycopene from raw tomatoes. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables act as powerful antioxidants that potect cells from damage. Antioxidants are linked with keeping our hearts healthy, too.
- Red is the first color you lose sight of at twilight
- Red is the highest arc of the rainbow.
- The longest wavelength of light is red.
- Feng shui recommends painting the front door of a home red to invite prosperity to the residents.
- Bees can't see the color red, but they can see all other bright colors. Red flowers are usually pollinated by birds, butterflies, bats, and wind, rather than bees.
- Red is a color associated with poison, passion and seduction
- Red is a warm colour
- Red carpet treatment
- Caught red-handed
- Red in the face
- Seeing red
- Red tape
- In the red
- Red represents beauty in many languages and cultures
- In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions and the four seasons. Red was associated with fire, south, and summer.
- In Japan, the color red is associated closely with Shinto and Buddhist traditions, hence the red clothing and red statues
- In Sweden, red was reserved for the privileged class.
- In China, red is associated with good luck and fortune.
- In Greece, Easter eggs are dyed red
- In England, red phone booths and red double decker buses are national icons. Standard British pillar boxes (mail boxes) have been painted red since 1874.
- In India, a red mark on the forehead is said to bring good luck.
- To the Hindu, red symbolizes joy, life, energy, and creativity.
- Islamic, Hindu, and Chinese brides traditionally wear red.
- Red amulets (lucky charms) were worn in many cultures to prolong life.
- In Singapore, the color red traditionally symbolizes joy.
- Chinese New Year is celebrated by wearing red clothing and decorating the house with red.
- Red symbolizes Christmas.
Possible Health Benefits of RED Using Colour Therapy
RED has the longest length in the visible spectrum and the lowest rate of vibration. Possible benefits:
- red lenses relieve migraines
- chronic pain - may lower the frequency of wave lengths causing them to be less excited and thereby reduce pain
- stimulate the liver
- stimulate the automatic nervous and circulatory systems
- help with female disorders
- increase heart strength and stimulate circulation
- reduce inflammation and swelling
- increase blood flow to the brain
- support the building of the blood
- seasickness relief
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Picture Story Books
I consider reading a picture story book to children to be one of the most powerful learning tools and helps me bond and build relationships with the children. When I read a picture story book, I use a lot of expression in my voice and sometimes in my face to make it more interesting, this not only intrigues the children but makes it more fun and rewarding for me. The kids love listening to me read and I love watching their enthusiastic little faces. When its Zoe's bedtime she loves a bedtime story. I used to read them to her but now she reads so well she either reads it all to me or we read it together. It's a really nice relaxing way to end the day with my precious little girl.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Cardboard Boxes
How many times can you move in the span of thirteen months? Well for us, let me see, first from Riddells Creek to Swan Reach in a cabin at a caravan park, then to Lakes Entrance in a rental house, then to Metung in another rental house, and next week into another rental for another six months until our house is built and then we move yet again, that would make it four times so far (not counting the move to the new house). So today I am grateful for cardboard boxes, because I had to pack and for all the other times I had to pack.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Robust 4WD
What a weekend, drove to Melbourne Friday night, stayed at sis's place, Saturday morning Dave and Alex loaded up the trailer we hired with loads of steel and picket fence sections. Saturday night caught up with friends over curries I cooked, hence the missing Saturday blog, I was in no state to blog. Left for home this afternoon in Dave's robust 4WD (Landrover) pulling at least 2 1/2 tonnes. The robust 4wd as I call it did exceptionally well pulling it for five hours. Good choice Dave!
Friday, 17 February 2012
Small Achievements
I received "Staff Member of the Week" today, My God, I didn't think I would ever receive one, but today I did! Small achievement but worthwhile. It made me feel great and boosted my self confidence so much. Wow! Makes me want to do even better. Tomorrow night I'm celebrating with my family, we are down Melbourne at my sister's place and we got here pretty late, too late to celebrate when everyone was tired, so my sister has promised me that we will celebrate tomorrow night. Can't wait!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Encouraging Words
Had a bad start to the day, yet again negative thoughts came to mind, self doubt and worrying about everything and anything that could possibly go wrong in the future! And yet again Diana my mentor and dear friend came to my rescue, I am of course grateful for Diana but I'm more grateful for the encouraging words that she said to me that enabled me to start the day in a much more positive way. Thanks Diana, I am truly grateful!
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentine Hog Wash
Today I am grateful that deep, deep, down, I don't really believe in Valentine's day, even though every year I usually buy something small such as chocolates for each of my children and for my husband who hasn't a romantic bone in his body, because if I did truly believe I would be extremely disappointed and annoyed that I didn't receive anything, not even a romantic love note (which costs nothing), or a romantic kiss (again, costs nothing), or stroll ($0 cost), or the dinner table set with candles etc ($0), or a bath run for me ($0 again), or a free massage ($0 but highly unlikely). No, I received absolutely nothing and that is why I am grateful that I believe (or need to believe) that Valentine's Day is nothing but a money making scheme for the rich. And in my case, just another ordinary day!
Monday, 13 February 2012
Healthy State of Mind
Oops I forgot to blog yesterday, shame on me!
Today I'm grateful for a healthy state of mind. Last week a friend of my sister's brother decided to end his life and today was his funeral, it is also my late sister's anniversary of her death (by natural causes) twenty six years ago, I can remember it as though it was yesterday. On the weekend, one of my student's family found a dead body of a man who also decided to end his life, how sad and mentally unstable must their mind be to do such a thing. I am glad that even though I have occasionally reached a point where I have thought that I just can't take anymore of the gloomy, dark thoughts, there has been a point of return to a positive state of mind. Thank goodness.
Today I'm grateful for a healthy state of mind. Last week a friend of my sister's brother decided to end his life and today was his funeral, it is also my late sister's anniversary of her death (by natural causes) twenty six years ago, I can remember it as though it was yesterday. On the weekend, one of my student's family found a dead body of a man who also decided to end his life, how sad and mentally unstable must their mind be to do such a thing. I am glad that even though I have occasionally reached a point where I have thought that I just can't take anymore of the gloomy, dark thoughts, there has been a point of return to a positive state of mind. Thank goodness.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Gooey Triple Choc Chip Cookies
Today Zoe and I made triple choc chip cookies and they were delicious, all gooey with white and milk chocolate. Zoe loves cooking and I promised her we would make them this weekend. I love cooking with Zoe, today she read the recipe out to me as it was a new one I got from a magazine, and she helped with measuring and mixing. I'm grateful for Triple Choc Chip Cookies as today they have helped Zoe and I to spend quality time together whilst doing something we both enjoy and she loves eating!
Friday, 10 February 2012
I'd have to say that what keeps me going everyday is persistence in whatever I am doing, otherwise, it just wouldn't happen. Persistence in trying things over and over and over, and not giving up! There are so many things in life we don't like or don't like to do, but if we persist we hopefully end up liking them and getting them done, that takes persistence.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
I am an organized person, I like my desk at work tidy, the classroom resources in a specific spot and order, at home i like things in certain places and paperwork, bills etc filed accordingly, oh and I am even a list writer. I need to know where everything is at any given moment, otherwise it frustrates me and you don't want to see me frustrated. So, today I am grateful that I am an organized person.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Full As A Goog
Today I'm going to blog about something silly, even though I would normally like to blog about more serious things (other than the Doggy Doo blog). I am grateful for a full tummy as full as a goog, the reasons being, 1: it obviously means I have had plenty of food to eat (even though I really shouldn't have eaten that much, especially if I want to lose a few kilos), 2: it means that my tummy or brain is telling me "hey, stop eating, you've had enough and if you keep eating you'll be the size of a house, and 3: I really can't think of another reason at this point in time as I am way too full!
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Doggy Doo Bags
You may be disappointed at this post. It starts off good and gets a little messy, but all ends well.
I love taking the dogs for a walk and they absolutely love it too. We have three small dogs, Scruff-a ten year old white Australian x Maltese Terrier, Rusty-a six year old ruby King Charles Spaniel and Gypsy-a one year old brindle Jack Russell x Staffy. Scruff is the oldest and is a little demented and over excited, he has always been this way. At the moment he is not quite right as he has a condition called White Shaker's Disease (or so the vet said). When we go for walks we can't take Scruff far as he can't walk straight and keeps falling over, so tonight we took Rusty and Gypsy for a long walk first and then when we came back, we put the them back in the yard and I took Scruff for a short walk around the court. He gets so excited, he's like a pup and after about a minute up the road Scruff decides to do No. 2s on the road, damn it, now I have to pick it up, Yuk!
Lucky I have doggy doo bags attached to the lead. I am grateful.
I love taking the dogs for a walk and they absolutely love it too. We have three small dogs, Scruff-a ten year old white Australian x Maltese Terrier, Rusty-a six year old ruby King Charles Spaniel and Gypsy-a one year old brindle Jack Russell x Staffy. Scruff is the oldest and is a little demented and over excited, he has always been this way. At the moment he is not quite right as he has a condition called White Shaker's Disease (or so the vet said). When we go for walks we can't take Scruff far as he can't walk straight and keeps falling over, so tonight we took Rusty and Gypsy for a long walk first and then when we came back, we put the them back in the yard and I took Scruff for a short walk around the court. He gets so excited, he's like a pup and after about a minute up the road Scruff decides to do No. 2s on the road, damn it, now I have to pick it up, Yuk!
Lucky I have doggy doo bags attached to the lead. I am grateful.
Gypsy and Rusty |
Scruff |
Monday, 6 February 2012
My mentor at work, Diana is a godsend. I wasn't feeling so confident this morning but she put me straight with some reassurance and encouring words. She just makes me feel good again and again, no matter how bad I feel. Thank you Diana, I truly am grateful!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Sundays are what I'm grateful for today, well because it is Sunday and no one in the family had to work, and it is a day of rest after all! A day to get over the night before, or a day to go to the beach, a picnic, shopping, catch up on stuff at home, catch up with friends, catch up on some cooking for the week, or in our case for today, see friends off from the night before after eating curry leftovers for breakfast, then go for a swim, and then fishing before getting pizza for tea. Maybe a movie before bed, we will see how ours eyes hold up!
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Positive Affirmations
I didn't blog last night as even though I had a good day at school with the kids, on the way home the negative thoughts of events from last year came back to haunt me ,so I wasn't feeling all that positive or grateful. But when I woke up this morning I thought about what others have been saying to me, by others I mean my husband Dave, my mentor, my family, my true friends and my psychologist (who insists I use positive affirmations every day). The words they use can do it, you're gutsy, confident, tough, caring, dedicated and more. So for my Friday post, I am grateful for positive affirmations, as this is what slowly brings me back to a positive state of mind.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
The kids at the school I work for started today, we had a fantastic day. The kids I have in my class are so cute, they were enthusiastic and excited. My assistant Karen was great, and so was my mentor Diana, they oozed enthusiasm which rubbed off on me.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Laughter is the best medicine, well so they say, and I believe it. Tonight I was speaking to my dear friend Megan about just about everything that has happened or we want to happen since the last time we spoke. We were on the phone for two hours and three minutes exactly. Well while on the phone to Megan, I had a really good laugh and so did she, and, felt extremely better for it. Thank you Megan, I am grateful for the laughter that you have given me today.
Zoe with Megan |
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