Friday, 27 January 2012

A mother's concern

I'm at my sister's place in Melbourne for the weekend, my mum and dad live with her so at the moment we are one big happy family under one roof. Last night Zoe woke to the sound of dad's oxygen machine, she didn't know what the noise was and it scared her. She came into my bedroom crying and saying "the sound is freaking me out". My mum had heard her and came into the room as well, but mum had thought that I was my sister and Zoe was me and she was very confused as to why I (or as she thought)was crying. I kept saying to her that Zoe was alright and she will go back to sleep. Mum however was concerned, still thinking that Zoe was me and that I was Isabella who had come into the room to console me. In the end after much confusion she said " I have to turn the light on to see" and when she did, she realized that Isabella was not in the room at all. Mum went back to her room and we all went to sleep. In the morning we all found out exactly what had happened and who and what was in the room etc. it was nice to know that my mum, even though I'm 44 and have a family of my own, she is still concerned about me, enough to wake up in the middle of the night to check things out. I love you mum! Steph

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