This afternoon I was thinking about the people we know that are sick, it was a bit depressing thinking about it really. I think the reason I started thinking about this was because Dave my husband had some sort of 'turn' today while he was working outside in the heat of the sun, he thinks it was heat stress, he felt dizzy and uncoordinated and his hands and arms began to shake. He came to me at work to let me know what happened and I told him to go home and rest and get plenty of fluid. Of course after that I started to worry about him and couldn't wait to finish work so I could check on him, I was thinking all sorts of horrible things, wandering what he might have. He was okay thankfully, it turned out to be because of the heat and dehydration and nothing more.
So today, you guessed it, I am grateful for HEALTH. We take it for granted that we are healthy until wham, all of a sudden we get sick. Young people think they are indestructible, the 19yr old apprentice at work said he woke up with pains in his chest, and that it has happened to him before, I suggested he visit the doctor and not to assume that just because you are young that it's just nothing, he stated that he was indestructible! My own sister died at 21 of an aneurysm of the aorta, and my brother in law died at 31 of cancer. One of Dave's elderly clients had to move to his daughter's place because he has cancer and not well enough to live independently any more, such a shame. My own father has been sick on and off with a heart condition for the last 17 1/2 years, I don't know how many times he had to go into hospital, and now he is on 24hr oxygen supply. My own mother has had cancer four times and survived, she's doing well. In 2010 out of nowhere I got sick with Pneumonia and was off work for almost 3 weeks. It can happen to anyone at any time.
Being healthy is a great feeling, we may wake up in the morning occasionally and think to ourselves 'I don't feel so good' but in reality once you get up and get in the shower you are fine and ready for the day ahead. So consider yourself lucky when you are healthy.
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