Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Dave, My Husband

We went for a drive today to Genoa Falls and then to Eden. At Genoa Falls, on about the 2nd or 3rd step down I twisted my ankle and sprained something. It hurt for a bit but wasn't too bad. Then we went to Eden and to Nethercote Falls. On going down my foot felt  worse but we went down anyway (as I didn't want to miss out and we wouldn't be coming back for a while) with the aid of my husband and walking stick he made for me from a branch and the bandage he had in his car which he used to strap my foot with. When it was time to go back I found that I couldn't put any pressure on my foot without a lot of pain. So my gorgeous husband had to carry me out of the water and onto the bank where he then went looking for another branch for a crutch, and he found one, how clever is he? It was a long and slow journey back up the steep steps and Dave helped me by letting me hold onto him with one arm while I tried to work out the crutch on the other. I am truly grateful for my husband Dave as not only is he strong but he is also very resourceful. Love you darling husband.

Just before heading down to Genoa Falls
Genoa Falls - not much water here.

Genoa Falls
At Nethercote Falls - I couldn't move off this rock but it was nice to sit and watch.

Nethercote Falls

Sore foot with ice.

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