I am sooooo grateful for bike safety helmets! My gorgeous girl fell off her bike today, it scared the hell out of me, I really thought she would have done a lot more damage than she did.... She came out of it with a deep cut under her nose which needed steri strips (thank goodness no stitches), a very fat lip with cuts on the inside of her mouth and grazes on her arm, leg and chest. She was riding down a hill and being way too confident, not sure if she braked at all, lost control and then came off.....it was horrible, I had yelled out to her to slow down and then watched in horror whilst feeling helpless, unable to do anything to stop what was inevitably going to happen! When she hit the ground she turned over yelling and screaming, I ran as fast as I could towards her thinking to myself which bones has she broken? did she hit her head? I also thought "she is screaming so she isn't unconscious", thank goodness, what if she has broken any bones, then what would I do when I reached her? Oh my god! When I finally got to her (it seemed ages) I realized she wasn't broken anywhere but she was bleeding quite a bit from her nose and her mouth, I just held her and comforted her, my poor baby, she was in pain and I didn't want that, I wanted her to know everything would be alright! I felt sick! I carried her some of the way home until she said she was fine to walk the rest of the way and then after cleaning her up took her to the doctors. Thank goodness for bike safety helmets, it could have been a lot worse.
Oh, poor little chook! That looks really nasty - I hope the swelling goes down soon. I bet she'll be a lot slower and more careful on that bike next time.
Thanks, I'm glad to say the swelling has gone down a little and she feels less sorry for herself.