Thursday, 20 March 2014

Grateful for Barb

So it is now March 20 and I haven't kept up to my word of blogging to be grateful....I am suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. I have been so caught up in this spiral of feeling anxious and stressed that I haven't been grateful for anything and unable to think of any positives. In the last few weeks I have found working in the special school extremely challenging, I have had good and bad days, but unfortunately more bad than good lately. This has increased my levels of anxiety and stress which has inevitably caused my lack of concentration, the overwhelming feelings and the inability to remember things, not to mention the many tears shed and mascara wasted. You would think that after three years I would have invested in some waterproof mascara by now, and that the little thought that is in the back of my head which struggles to squeeze through those negative thoughts, to tell me 'it will be ok and you will not cry over work', has grown stronger and stronger. But not. Well, not yet anyway, I'm working on it.

Hopefully by me blogging again and being grateful, I will overcome this set back and achieve what I had achieved in the last 2 years of working as a teacher at the special school, success! For me, it is very challenging working at the special school, not just the working with different kids but working with different adults too. I think if it weren't for one particular person there, I don't think I would have made it this far. She geniunely cares, is approachable and usually makes me feel good after confiding in her. She tells it to you straight, it's not always what you want to hear but she has a way of making you feel positive about any situation even if it's just for that short moment. That person is Barb. Thanks Barb.