Friday, 25 January 2013

Surviving first day back at work

Today was the first day back at work for 2013, and I survived it, thank goodness!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Steph's Sensational Food

Hi all, I have started a new blog 'Steph's Sensational Food' to record recipes, ideas and photos. So click on the pages link 'Passionate About Creating' which will have the 'Steph's Sensational Food' page. Click on this to check it out. Don't forget to join as a member and subscribe by email. Looking forward to reading your comments.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2012 And Beyond

First day of 2013, our wedding anniversary, eleven years today and it's been a whole year since I started this blog. Wow a lot has happened in 2012. 2012 has had its bad times but has also had some really good times too......well worth being grateful for.
I wasn't planning on blogging on this blog for this year but I think sometimes I may need to revisit in order to remind myself about being grateful and not taking things for granted. So I will do just that even if my blog states 2012 it will now represent 2012 and beyond. Plus, I will post on my new adventurous blog 'passionate about creating'...excited about this. Here are some pics from 2012.....